02 April 2012

One way to get the point across...

While I was rummaging in a closet that doesn't see much daylight, I rediscovered the Dikeman family bible that I received from my mother years and years ago. Either I never bothered to look at it (not likely as I am a very curious sort of person), or I completely forgot the treasures inside (sigh, the most likely scenario).

This collection of pictograms were among some treasures kept within the covers of the bible. I haven't gotten it all worked out yet, and I'm not sure who sent it, or to whom for that matter. But I will. Someday. These are the first four pages out of the 12 that make up the message. Click on any photo to see a larger image.

Does anybody know what a Waumbek is? 

I do, because I googled it. It is a mountain in the Pliny Range located in Coos County, New Hampshire. That is a very helpful clue, I think. Certain family members lived in NH. Some, who lived in CT, traveled often to NH for holidays. I hope there are more clues embedded in this letter!

Stay tuned for part two...


  1. Waumbek: I can only tell that it's an Algonkin Indian word. It could refer to a group of Native Americans who lived, or a mountain, or an animal.

  2. Thanks Debra! There is a Mt. Waumbek in NH where the couple eventually moved to from Connecticut. Ossian Ray is the most likely person to have written to Grace. They later married and lived in Lancaster, NH


Are we really related? I'd love to know more about that!Please leave contact information when you comment.