15 April 2011

Roadtrip souvenier...

(page 305)

To all People to whom thefe Prefents fhall Come, Greeting.
Know ye, That I Nathan Beebe of East Haddam in the County of Hartford and Colony of Connecticut in New England For divers good Caufes and Confiderations moving,

HATH Remifed, Releafed and for ever Quit-claimed, and by thefe Prefents, for
 him and his
Heirs, DOTH Fully, Clearly and Abfolutely, Remife, Rleafe and for ever Quit-claim unto 
Samuel mack of East Haddam in the County and Colony above Said in his full and peaceable Poffeffion and Seifin, and to his Heirs and Affigns for ever, all fuch Right, Eftate, Title, 
Interft and Demand whatfoever, as he the faid  Nathan Beebe:

had or ought to have, in or to all the Land that his stand Hond Father Cabb Beebe Late of East Haddam Deceased Died Pofsesd of in the Townfhip of East Haddam afore Said_
To Have and to Hold the above Released Premifses: unto the faid  Samuel mack his Heirs and Affigns, to the only Ufe and Behoof of the faid Samuel mack his Heirs and Affigns for ever; 
So that neither he the faid Nathan Beebe:
nor his Heirs, nor any other Perfon or Perfons, for Whom or in, their Names, nor in the Name, Right or Stead of any of them fhall or will by any Way or Means hereafter, Have, Claim, Challenge or Demand, any Eftate, Right, Title or Interft, of, in, or to the Premiffes, or any Part or Parcel thereof, but from all and every Action, Right, Eftate, Title Interft and Demand, of, in, or to the Premiffes, or any part or parcel thereof, they and every of them fhall be utterly Excluded and Barred for ever by thefe Prefents. And Farthermore, he the faid Nathan Beebe and his Heirs, the faid Released Estate and other the Premiffes, with the Appurtenances to the faid Samuel mack his Heirs and Affigns, to his and their own proper Use and Ufes, in Manner and Form before Specified, againft their Heirs and Affigns : And every of them fhall Warrant and for ever Defend by thefe Prefents. In Witnefs Whereof, I have hereunto fet my Hand and Seal this Eighth – Day of December In the third Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord George the Third of Great Britain, &c. KING.  Annoque Domini, 1762:

Signed, Sealed and Delivered                                                       
                in the Prefence of                             Nathan  Beebe [scribble]

James (one)               Hartford Countyifs East Haddam December ye 8th, 1762,
Daniel (one)              those Perfonally appeared mV. Nathan Beebe the Grantor
                                     and acknowledged this Instrument to be his free act and Deed Before me

Recorded Dec.V ye 8th 1762               Daniel Cone Justice of Peace

Found at the East Haddam, Connecticut Town Hall in Land Records Book. How cool is that?

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