17 March 2011

Shopping List ca. 1765

"To Messrs Eben Backus & J Perkins

I have Inclosed a Memom of Such articles as we Shall want if you Send a Vessel this way. if you Send Cattle Send plenty of Hay as I have bought another pair of Cattle & Shall be Glad of Some Good English Hay, how Cattle will answer at Halifax is Quite unCertain if you send any that are not fat Let them be young Cows or Heifers - if Carew Comes Sooner than you ... please ... Send Some of the most material Articles by him.

10 bbl pork                Check flannel               1/2 Doz Gall measures
           Flower           yarn Stockins                   1 Doz 1/2 Gall    Do.
           Bread             8 dozn Mens Shoes         1 Dozn do Coffee pots
           Corn               4 Dozn Womens do.       1/2 Doz 3 pint    do.
           Rye                 3 Dozn boys                    1 Doz Quart pots
           Meal              6 doz. Brass Shoe            1/2 Doz Gall Tin Kittles
           Butter                      Buckles                  1 Dozn points
           Cheese           1 m. hhd Hoops               1 Doz half pints
           Hogs Lard     Some good hay               1 Doz Gill do.
           Molasses       Dryed Apples              1/2 Dozn pound cannisters
           Syder             Brown thred                1/2 Doz 1/2 pound    do.
           R                    Tow Cloath                     1 Dozn porringers
           Sugar              Oznabrigs                        1 Dozn Small Dippers
1/2 bb Linseed Oyl       Check Linin                    2 Dozn Lamps with
1/2 Ct Spanish Brown           Stuffs                                Spouts
1/2 C Spanish White      Large wooden Bowles  1 Dozn pepper Boxes
10lb White Lead             pen knifes                      1/2 Doz Lanthorns
1 Doz. Scythes midle      Shod Shovels                 2 Coopers Axes
     Size                             half Bushels                  6 Broad Axes
                                       Frying pans                     3 Doz Narrow  Do.

   In mean time I Remain

                               with Great Respect Gentln Your most Hbl Servt
                                                                              Simeon Perkins

When I left you Last by a mistake I Left a Bundle of Goods on the Counter Containing 4 yds Shalloon 6 yds Flowered Linin 8 yrds white Fustain & 10 yds Red Baize which were Charged to me June 21st and also 4 pound Tea in papers which I do not find Charged and also three potts & two Bottles of paints and oyl Pray Send those Articles and five or six pounds of Tea and Several Articles mentioned at foot p Mr Headley.

3 Gross Cod Hooks
1 m 30d Nails
6 m pump Nails
20 lbs Pepper
15 yds Bed Tick
The Bundle of Goods Left
my Pots & Bottles paints"

Excerpt from the Diary of Simeon Perkins 1804-1812, vol 5, page 394, published in Toronto by the Champlain Society in 1978.


1 comment:

  1. Oznabrigs - A course unbleached linen or hempen cloth first made in Osnabruck, Germany. It was commonly used for trousers, sacking, and bagging.
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